Time | Subject | Speaker |
09:00 | Check-in and welcome coffee | |
09:30 | Opening & Introduction | Juerg Schleier Country Manager DACH Spitch AG |
09:45 | Simplicity — food for thought for the future | Dr. Michael Hartschen Brain Connection |
10:10 | The way to get ready for future — Best practices on worldwide implementation projects. NPS improvement, compliance and quality assurance, voice driven data input | Alexey Popov CEO Spitch AG |
10:35 | Up-to-date science achievements — where we are now and where we are going | Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo Zurich University |
11:00 | Q & A | |
11:15 | Coffee-break, networking | |
11:30 | Digitizing Customer Care — balance automation & human connection | Thomas Hilgendorff Partner at 4executives AG |
11:50 | Voice projects — how to get the ball rolling! | Walter Strametz CTO, ti&m AG |
12:10 | Digital challenges to banking and the potential for open banking architecture | Crealogix AG |
12:30 | Live demo of Spitch solutions | |
12:50 | Q & A and Closing | Juerg Schleier Spitch AG |
13:00 | Lunch, networking |
Kurhausstrasse 65
8032 Zurich