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Event detail:

Speech Technologies: an integrated answer to enhancing customer experience and decreasing operational costs

23 May 2017
Event type:
9:00 am
Westin Palace, Milan
Event type: Seminar
Opening: 9:00 am
Location: Westin Palace, Milan
Organizer: Spitch

Speech Technologies: an integrated answer to enhancing customer experience and decreasing operational costs

Speech Technologies: an integrated answer to enhancing customer experience and decreasing operational costs

Spitch hosted the event "Speech Technologies: an integrated answer to enhancing customer experience and decreasing operational costs", taking place on May 23rd, 2017, at Westin Palace Milano, Piazza della Repubblica 20. 

The continuous growth in the usage of  speech technology is leading it to become one of the most disruptive solutions for improving customer relationship management and operational cost optimization.

In recent years, companies have had to start living up to the challenge presented by the emergence of a new kind of customer – more and more attentive and demanding, both in terms of product quality and customer experience management. During our event, Spitch executives answered key questions related to meeting this challenge, and shared their own experiences as well as the insights of our international clients and partners.

Event materials:
Alexey Popov
Spitch, CEO
Le tecnologie vocali – prepararsi oggi per la competizione del futuro / Speech technology: preparing today for tomorrows competition
Marco Menichelli
L’utilizzo della voce in ambiente chatbot / The voice usage in a chatbot environment – XSENSE
Leonardo Antonelli
L’utilizzo della voce in ambiente chatbot / The voice usage in a chatbot environment – Oracle
Vadim Shchepinov
Spitch, Product Director
Come le soluzioni di identificazione e verifica possono aumentare la customer satisfaction e ridurre i costi fino al 30% / How identification and verification can help increase customer satisfaction and reducing cost by 30%
Michele Forte
Voice Banking: l’esperienza PostFinance e le prospettive future / Voice Banking: the PostFinance experience and future outlook
Shoin Hatano
Panoramica a 360° della customer satisfaction – la cascade sentiment analysis e l’emotion detection / 360 degree view of customer satisfaction – cascade sentiment analysis and emotion detection
Georgy Kravchenko
General director, Banks Soft Systems
La partnership BSS – Spitch: una storia di successo / Success story of the BSS – Spitch partnership

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