Spitch AG, an international solutions and professional services provider that develops enterprise class speech analytics solutions for business, will hold a seminar on best practices and prospects for speech technology development through 2020 at the Dolder Grand Hotel (Zurich, Switzerland) on September 22, 2016.
In the first session, «Vision 2020», researchers from the University of Zurich, independent experts, and researchers from Spitch AG will discuss today’s state-of-the-art speech technology and avenues for future.
In the second session, «Solutions showcase», together with our partners we will describe both the benefits that spoken language technologies can bring to your business, and how to address the new challenges that these technologies raise, particularly in terms of the changes that they imply for business processes. We will discuss how we expect to see this technology changing the landscape of existing solutions in the speech analytics space in coming years. Various live-demos will demonstrate the technology in operation to the guests.
The workshop will be free and held in English and Swiss German (with real-time translation into English). Please find the seminar program and complete the application form on the event’s page.
Kurhausstrasse 65
8032 Zurich