On January 18th
Spitch presented “Enterprise Speech- and Voice-Recognition” at the AI Bootcamp of Deutsche Telekom at their startup-incubator www.hubraum.com in Berlin; as part of the eLIZA project. More than 100 worldwide AI startup companies were pre-reviewed by the eLIZA team and 12 of the most-promising ones, that are developing solutions in the area of Cognitive Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Voice/Speech Recognition and Deep Learning were invited to Berlin.
hub:raum, the incubator of Deutsche Telekom, invests in early stage startups, backs them with co-working space, mentoring and helps them to find the right business partners within Deutsche Telekom. eLIZA is the name of an innovative project aimed at developing a Virtual Digital Assistant supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Although Spitch has more than 50 worldwide professionals, enterprise customers and a growing revenue base, the company has joined hub:raum expecting to find new customers, and partners and learn from the other members. Spitch technologies are focused on facilitating knowledge work automation — one of the most promising IT trends of the next decade. The Spitch R&D team has over 50 years combined experience in R&D for Spoken Language Technologies (SLT), including Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Text-toSpeech Synthesis (TTS), Information Retrieval (IR), and Natural Language Processing (NLP).