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SBB Mobile App Timetable understands Swiss-German

14 June 2017

SBB Mobile App Timetable understands Swiss-German

Spitch, a Swiss company specializing in Speech Analytics and Spoken Language Technologies, announces the successful completion of a project to deliver The SBB Mobile App Timetable, giving users the ability to talk directly to the app in Swiss German (Schwiizerdütsch).

SBB Mobile App Timetable understands Swiss-German

«The proprietary speech analytics solution from Spitch understands the Schwiizerdütsch dialect and has now been implemented into the SBB Mobile App. The results of the project achieved unmatched precision, significantly exceeding expectations, for target recognition accuracy values by the search query. The speech analytics solution from Spitch understands all 18,000-station names in the German speaking cantons.

To further demonstrate competitive advantage Spitch regularly participates in many competitive tenders where, alongside high accuracy and rich functionality, Spitch delivers flexible client-centric models of engagement and a bespoke approach. Focusing on the Swiss market, Spitch has become the first provider of enterprise solutions for Swiss German (Schwiizerdütsch) and its many dialects which has helped us to gain a competitive advantage», ― commented Alexey Popov, CEO of Spitch.

Our Speech Analytics is based on a self-learning technology that recognizes, analyzes and understands real-time verbal inputs.