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Spitch, the first provider of enterprise solutions for Swiss German, participated in SwissText 2018

28 June 2018

Spitch, the first provider of enterprise solutions for Swiss German, participated in SwissText 2018

S28062018.jpgSpitch, a Swiss provider of solutions based on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), voice biometrics, Voice User Interfaces (VUI) and natural language voice data analytics, was honored to become a sponsor of the 3rd Swiss Text Analytics Conference – SwissText 2018.

SwissText 2018 is a two-day conference on automatic text analytics. The conference had keynotes and presentations by distinguished international experts from research and industry, and a poster exhibition of recent research results. It was also enriched by tutorials and hands-on workshops targeting a broad audience.

Spitch presented its Technology Stack (Speech Recognition, Speaker Identification, Semantic Modelling, Swiss German Challenge, Partners' Technologies), stack of applications (Interactive Voice Response, Voice Search, Automatic Subtitling, Speech Analytics) and some Live Demos (SwissTXT Automatic Subtitling, SBB mobile app voice-driven timetable, Call Sentiment Monitoring).

Participants of SwissText 2018 perceived Spitch as an innovation company, a pioneer in the processing of Swiss language. Three years ago, only few believed in the possibility and usefulness of developing AI in the Swiss German dialect. Spitch was able to offer an effective solution and now the success of this direction is obvious.

In this setting, Spitch’s achievements have helped lay the foundation for further advancement of speech processing in the country, which required Natural Language Understanding of spoken dialects.

In cooperation with the University of Zurich, Spitch is actively pursuing the collection and annotation of audio data. This data should help to build a Swiss National Corpus, which will contribute to the preservation of the unique language environment of Switzerland, which will contribute to the preservation of the unique language environment of Switzerland.

The R&D team at Spitch has the capability of bringing the latest academic achievements to market based on its 50 years of combined practical experience and academic excellence.

For more information, please contact with Spitch Team.