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Watch a teaser video by Alexey Popov, CEO of Spitch
Catch the moment!
Let your customers enjoy the power of AI.
Webinar, 23 June

A successful digitalisation process in the contact centre

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Watch a teaser video by Alexey Popov, CEO of Spitch
Catch the moment!
Let your customers enjoy the power of AI.

During the current situation, many companies have realised that their customer service was unprepared for a different and growing customer demand. Furthermore, maintaining that same day-by-day approach has required a greater effort, often manual.

A snapshot of the situation is well highlighted in the video from our CEO. Existing processes and tools have proved unstable under stress and in consequence, the quality of service has suffered.

We are also proud to have as our guest Price Waterhouse Coopers, who will share with you some of today’s challenges for Customer Service Organisations and the critical factors that will ensure a successful digital transformation.

Gregorio Uglioni

Success story

We are honoured to have as a guest speaker, Gregorio Uglioni from Swisscard, who will introduce you to an award-winning solution, share practical experience and answer your questions.

Please register for our webinar here or, alternatively, send us your details by email at