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Spitch invites you to upcoming business webinar "The rise and rise of speech analytics: How speech analytics can help your firm meet its regulatory requirements"

28 April 2017

Spitch invites you to upcoming business webinar "The rise and rise of speech analytics: How speech analytics can help your firm meet its regulatory requirements"

Spitch invites you to upcoming business webinar "The rise and rise of speech analytics: How speech analytics can help your firm meet its regulatory requirements"

11 May 2017 at 10:30am BST (11:30am CET) Spitch in partnership with the BBA will conduct a Business Webinar “The rise and rise of speech analytics: How speech analytics can help your firm meet its regulatory requirements”. Following recent feedback and interest, we have pleasure in inviting you to our Business Webinar in cooperation with BBA.

Regulated firms need to offer a high level of service to its customers with least customer effort and at minimal cost. Firms are under pressure to minimize operational costs and maintain strict regulatory compliance frameworks to minimize the risk of being fined or putting their customer’s data at risk. This is why they are looking for new methods and technology to aid this objective and always be a step ahead in making savings yet being compliant.

During the webinar industry experts will present on:

  • Technology to help banks manage security and regulatory requirements
  • Best practices and the future outlook:
    Business Case 1: Monitoring of historical recordings (e.g. client’s conversation with Contact Centres) and automated redaction of sensitive data with regards to regulatory requirements (PCI DSS; MiFID II and others)
    Business Case 2: Speech analytics fulfilling the regulatory requirements in daily business.

While this webinar is aimed at Financial Services professionals who are interested in using technology to efficiently manage security & regulatory requirements specialists from other industries will benefit from this free webinar.

To attend, please register here

About the organisers:

Spitch is an established leading Swiss company specialising in Speech Analytics and Spoken Language Technologies. Spitch is the first provider of enterprise solutions for Swiss German (Schwiizerdütsch) and its many dialects. Alongside high accuracy and rich functionality, Spitch is offering flexible client-centric models of engagement and a bespoke approach. Spitch is headquartered in Switzerland  with a global perspective and while is active globally, its main focus remains EMEA and the U.K.   

The BBA is the leading trade association for the UK banking sector with 200 member banks headquartered in over 50 countries with operations in 180 jurisdictions worldwide.  As the representative of the world’s largest international banking cluster the BBA is the voice of UK banking.
